Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Musings on UBS, second editions, and baseball

There's been a recent discussion about the evildom (or non-evildom, depending on your point of view) of the ubiquitous UBS, or used book stores, as everybody but authors tend to call them. The reason for this blood-feud? I'll clue you in on a secret. No royalties are given to an author when a book is resold. In other countries, when a person checks out a book, a small amount of monies are sent back to the publishers. As a person who really values her local library, and pays oodles of monies in taxes to support said libraries, I think I'm glad we don't do that here.

My husband is currently taking a class, and each semester we face the burgeoning cost of textbooks. Second edition, third edition, ninth editions, forty-second editions, and this made me start to think. What if authors made special editions of their works? A few tweaks here, a few plot changes there, and voila! It's a second edition, edited to reflect changes in modern times. Follow me on this, let's take, for instance, Gone With The Wind. Think of how much monies Mitchell's estate could receive if, for example, they changed the ending and had Rhett and Scarlett living happily ever after? Or, what if Romeo and Juliet were edited for those who really need their happily ever after? What if, maybe Juliet rushed Romeo to the Verona ER, where they did CPR and brought him back to life, and then all the families banded together and we have the whole, " And the Prince ends out with the following:

For never was a story of more glow,
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

I don't know. I'm just thinking….

By the way, I posted today on Romancing the Blog . So, just for today, you get two, two, two snarks in one.

And not everyone wants to be associated with Sex and the City. Yogi Berra, the master of human honesty and ball player extraordinaire is suing TBS for their SATC ads which give "sex with Yogi Berra" as a possible definition to the word "yogasm." There are many words to describe sex with Yogi Berra, and "yogasm" is not one.

"It ain't the heat; it's the humility." - Yogi Berra. Yup, I couldn't have said it better myself.


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