The Post-Inaugural Post
I know you've all been wondering, Kathleen, did ya go? did ya go? did ya go? (this is the way you start thinking when you're a parent). The answer is yes, we did go. In the interest of bipartisan politics, I need to state that the inauguration is not just for the winning side. There were tons of protesters, one dude in a Dean stocking cap who was clapping and listening and not screaming at all. And lots of people. All kinds of people. If you're like me, I was thinking, oh, there all just old white farts in cowboy hats. Well, no. Possibly due to the fact that we were in the cheap seats, there were TONS of young people. And not just young white preppy people, either. I was shocked, shocked, I say. Republicans? Minorities? Youth? Oh, my!
Anyway, back to the important stuff. You had to wait in line for FOREVER to get inside. They were searching everyone, and I have to say that the young security guard who searched me was more embarrassed than I was, don't know why. I mean, it's 35 degrees outside, I'm wearing like fourteen layers of clothes, so, to be frank, I could be carrying an Uzi and he'd never known it. Homeland Security. One of the last bastions of denial. When we got through the gates, you could see the Capitol all decked out in flags and millions of people. I have to say, I got a chill at that moment. I'm sorry. The ghost of John Phillips Sousa was there, Abe Lincoln (and I don't care if he was gay, he was still a great Pres), George Washington, Truman, Roosevelt. All the dead presidents, because this is their day, too.
They had big screen TV's set up and loud-speakers and the absolute best bouncers I've ever seen. We had a few "FOUR MORE YEARS OF LIES" chanters behind us and woosh, faster than you could say "Donald Rumsfeld should be fired," they were outta there! Movie theaters should be so attentive.
Then there was the little Hastart oops. Did you hear this? When he's giving Cheney the oath, Hastart fumbles the word to "upholding the constitution," leaving Cheney off the hook for the next four years. I'm thinking money changed hands. That was pretty much the only funny part. But no matter whether you were smiling or binge drinking on Inauguration Day, I highly recommend trying to attend if you get the chance.
Here's the obligatory camera shots:
Sorry about being fuzzy, but I thought it was humorous.
That's me, waiting to pass through security
In book news, the New Year Times echoes my Sentiments exactly. Scott Peterson's Other Woman Speaks (Again). What's Left to Say?
In satanical news, the
people of Norway are convinced that Bush is the spawn of Satan – even more so now. As all Texas A&M graduates know (class of '85, whoop!), Hook'em Horns is the sign of the devil.
Anyway, back to the important stuff. You had to wait in line for FOREVER to get inside. They were searching everyone, and I have to say that the young security guard who searched me was more embarrassed than I was, don't know why. I mean, it's 35 degrees outside, I'm wearing like fourteen layers of clothes, so, to be frank, I could be carrying an Uzi and he'd never known it. Homeland Security. One of the last bastions of denial. When we got through the gates, you could see the Capitol all decked out in flags and millions of people. I have to say, I got a chill at that moment. I'm sorry. The ghost of John Phillips Sousa was there, Abe Lincoln (and I don't care if he was gay, he was still a great Pres), George Washington, Truman, Roosevelt. All the dead presidents, because this is their day, too.
They had big screen TV's set up and loud-speakers and the absolute best bouncers I've ever seen. We had a few "FOUR MORE YEARS OF LIES" chanters behind us and woosh, faster than you could say "Donald Rumsfeld should be fired," they were outta there! Movie theaters should be so attentive.
Then there was the little Hastart oops. Did you hear this? When he's giving Cheney the oath, Hastart fumbles the word to "upholding the constitution," leaving Cheney off the hook for the next four years. I'm thinking money changed hands. That was pretty much the only funny part. But no matter whether you were smiling or binge drinking on Inauguration Day, I highly recommend trying to attend if you get the chance.
Here's the obligatory camera shots:

Sorry about being fuzzy, but I thought it was humorous.

That's me, waiting to pass through security

In book news, the New Year Times echoes my Sentiments exactly. Scott Peterson's Other Woman Speaks (Again). What's Left to Say?
In satanical news, the
people of Norway are convinced that Bush is the spawn of Satan – even more so now. As all Texas A&M graduates know (class of '85, whoop!), Hook'em Horns is the sign of the devil.
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