How Can A Book Compete Against Canned Hams?
This link from a Boston movie critic has a photo gallery of creative promo sent to plug movies. This really cracks me up. I know we're a g(r)ifting society, and I think the publishers could learn something from the big boys in Hollywood.
Trendwatch: Deep Throat is in. Sigh. I'm predicting a slew-of movie, book tie-ins being shoved down our um, throats. Don't want to imagine the creative promo used to hype that one.
And in the hard-worn fight to de-cheese the romance industry, another salvo right between Fabio's well-muscled pecs Bookslut's take on the romance novel cover. So, question, then. Is All About Romance helping or hurting the cause by sponsoring the bad cover contest? OK, yes, I think it's funny and I usually vote, but are we handing ammunition to the very media who want to keep bodices ripping forever? I'd love to hear comments on this one.
And in lesser news -- peace in the Middle East. But we'll be back with more on that Deep Throat thing tomorrow!!!
Trendwatch: Deep Throat is in. Sigh. I'm predicting a slew-of movie, book tie-ins being shoved down our um, throats. Don't want to imagine the creative promo used to hype that one.
And in the hard-worn fight to de-cheese the romance industry, another salvo right between Fabio's well-muscled pecs Bookslut's take on the romance novel cover. So, question, then. Is All About Romance helping or hurting the cause by sponsoring the bad cover contest? OK, yes, I think it's funny and I usually vote, but are we handing ammunition to the very media who want to keep bodices ripping forever? I'd love to hear comments on this one.
And in lesser news -- peace in the Middle East. But we'll be back with more on that Deep Throat thing tomorrow!!!
The Worst Cover contest over at AAR is actually only one category of a larger contest. Every other category in the contest is a positive one :)
I adore covers - the good, the bad and even the ugly. The good ones have a way of sucking me in, and the bad ones have the same effect on me as a train wreck. I want to look away, but for some reason remain riveted.
I also think I'm softening in my old age. I used to hate clinch covers, but now I find the nicely done ones quite eye catching and fetching.....
Wendy, you're right. I had forgotten about the other categories (in mothermood, the brain is the first thing to go:)). And I agree about the cover being THE most important piece of the book, but is holding up the bad covers airing our own dirty laundry?
It's hard to say. I *love* the covers with a bare male chest, like Terri Brisbin's The Norman's Bride or some of Sherrilyn Kenyon's books. I think marketing is everything. It's terrible when you have a particular image in mind for the hero and the cover guy just doesn't cut it.
LOL. That's why I have trouble with people-covers. They never, EVER match what you think they should and once, I had the Worst Thing Ever. The cover model looked just like one of my good friend's older brother when he was in high school. It was a weird experience, because he was always brotherly, not romance cover modelly. Anyway, it's just very, very weird.
Think about this, as a reader you have an image in your head, but as an author, you have an even bigger than life image in your head, and you never get to see the cover until after the book is done.
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