From the 'What have they really been sniffing' file
Discover has this little link about a study from the University of Chicago that suggests that nursing-mom smell increases female libido.
ARE THEY NUTS? Have these women EVER nursed? Ever got up at 3am to feed a child that WON'T go to sleep, when they're just dying to hit a warm bed, and scientists (and yes, they're women scientists) believe this smell increases the female sex drive? Oh, yeah, that's my favorite time to play hide-the-salami.
I'd love to hear that someone else has a different take on this, because I want to have faith in the scientific community... and well this....this really shakes the foundations of my unquenchable belief in the core bedrock of the scientific method.
ARE THEY NUTS? Have these women EVER nursed? Ever got up at 3am to feed a child that WON'T go to sleep, when they're just dying to hit a warm bed, and scientists (and yes, they're women scientists) believe this smell increases the female sex drive? Oh, yeah, that's my favorite time to play hide-the-salami.
I'd love to hear that someone else has a different take on this, because I want to have faith in the scientific community... and well this....this really shakes the foundations of my unquenchable belief in the core bedrock of the scientific method.
My understanding of the article is that if I'm nursing, it's not so much my libido that increases but those of other women around me.
Now that really is weird. And somewhat creepy, not to mention gross. What happened to oysters, chocolates and full body massages? Is this a way to scam women out of expensive Valentine's Day dinners? Can I sell my used breast pads on eBay for a tidy sum?
First of all, I don't even like the smell of milk on my breast pads. How horrifying to think that other people might smell them while I'm walking around, minding my own business!
Second, there's no control group in the study. Maybe someone else was emitting the pheromones despite the smell of breast milk, not because of it. Maybe the research assistant was a hottie!
As a new & nursing Mum, I revel in my spectacular cleavage but leaky milk ducts don't feel sexy. They just feel...sensitive and wet. And not in a good way.
It is really ewwwww, isn't it? I can see the ebay breast pads now. I hope your nursing is going well, but it was a HIGHLY stressful time in my life (sleep-deprivation pretty much turns me homicidal). I just think everyone needs to leave nursing moms alone. They go through enough.....
And now for a personal moment, the most romantic thing my husband ever did occurred when our daughter was about six weeks old. When she woke up for her 6am feeding, he fed her, and then took her out of the house for nearly the whole day. I sleep like the dead woman that I was.... It was all a marvelous surprise. To this day, flowers, candy, romantic dinners have not topped the simply thoughtfulness of that gesture.
Hmm, I may have to leave your post up on the PC for my husband to *accidentally* find. His favourite past-time is to play with the baby until he starts to fuss. Two seconds later, I hear those familiar words: Honey, I think the baby's hungry!
blue (do you mind if I call you blue?) -- let me know and I'll be happy to create a "Ten Romantic Things to Do For A New Mother On Valentines Day" list and drop it in his inbox :)
Call me Kat. :-) I would love to send him that list, Kathleen! The poor man just has no clue.
Aha! I knew the email address was familiar. Keep on him, Kat. You have to train those new father's right, or you'll never have a day out without a "Honey, the baby's crying. What do I do? Can you come home?" emergency phonecall.
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