Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The Word on the Street

In Kathleen's writing news, I have only two words: THE END. The most glorious feeling in the world. Well, actually I still have 42 XX's to fix (XX is my marker, gotta love that "find/replace" function), but should be getting book off my desk soon. The official title is now "The Diva's Guide to Selling Your Soul."

And speaking of one word:

Poll from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Don't they realize that "better than Bush" is actually three words?

And in the big book news, Clinton has finished his book. Doesn't he look proud on that cover? Boy, am I glad that MY book isn't coming out on June 14….

Book written without verbs From the author: " "The verb is like a weed in a field of flowers," he said. "You have to get rid of it to allow the flowers to grow and flourish." Kids, don't try this at home.


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