Monday, April 26, 2004

Chicago, Chicago, A Helluva Town....

Day Four of the whirlwind book tour and the saga continues. Yesterday was a fun day. Stock signings don't make me nearly as nervous as sit-down book signings and I was in two of the Milwaukee Waldenbooks, signing stock. PLUS, I got to have breakfast with the always-marvelous Isabel Sharpe, who I count as a friend. I ended up driving into Chicago last evening, where I spent part of last evening fixing my plot issue and part of it reading "Can you Keep A Secret?" by Sophie Kinsella. Funny, enjoyable book. Thumbs up.

Today's agenda is a tour of Fermilab. Fermilab is the National Accelerator Laboratory, the premier physics laboratory in the US, and is the subject of Book 2, in the Bachelorette Pact, It Should Happen To You. I'm actually pretty excited about this one. Tonight it's back hitting the computer (not literally) and hopefully I'll be able to finish up the next to the last chapter in Diva's Guide to Thin Thighs in 30 Seconds. We'll see....

Signing off,
Your Roving Romance Reporter, on the scene in Chi-town.


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