Wednesday, April 14, 2004

More Author Ruminations

Apparently there's a new book out, 'Mortification: Writers' Stories of Their Public Shame' by Robin Robertson. I haven't seen it, but the Times has an article on it today. Selected tidbits include: Ricky Moody, whose mother gave him three out of five stars on Amazon, and Simon Armitage, who found an autographed copy of his book in the garage. The inscription? "To Mum and Dad." Oh, my. I take back EVERY bad thing I ever thought about my family.

I'm almost finished with the first draft of The Diva's Guide to Thin Thighs in Thirty Seconds. I still have a lot of work left to do, but it's not due until the end of next month, so I think I'll be fine. I gotta say, I'm very happy with the way it's turning out.

And in foreign news, I got an Italian copy of Touched By Fire in the mail today from my editor. Somewhere, over in Italia, belle signores, are sighing over Colin and thinking that Sarah has got a really long road ahead of her. (Am I the only writer who makes fun of her characters? I love them, but they are like family to me).


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