Monday, March 22, 2004

The Spin on Writing

Okay, I know everything thinks that romance writers don’t do anything but sit around, thinking smut thoughts while watching soap operas and eating bon-bons, but we do more – honestly. There’s been three items about writing that hit me today, and I feel the need to shove the bon-bons aside:

a) salon’s article on mid-list writers

b) Newsweek’s article on Richard Clarke, former US government terrorism honcho, current Amazon bestseller

c) Paul McCartney wants to be a children’s book author

First off, Jane Austin Doe. This is a depressing article; someone who’s making really decent advances and is still having career worries. Lesson to learn from this article? Writing is NOT a well-paying career. The authors who are making money from writing are prolific and have been writing for a long time. I think people tend to see writing as an art, rather than a career, which is nice, of course, but not realistic unless you’re financially independent, or do not care about food.

Next, Richard Clarke, who was on 60 minutes last evening (owned by Viacom), whose book was published by Simon & Schuster (owned by Viacom) and is hitting the shelves today (not owned by Viacom last I checked). To be fair, I should point out that I own Viacom stock as well, so I’m not as much ‘crying foul’ as I am just pointing out the little goings-on that happen A LOT. I want this guy’s publicist. Timing the book to come out during the campaign, the WEEK in which he’s going to testify before the 9/11 commission. Whew! What heaven-sent best-selling kharma. It smacks of scandal, smacks of collusion, and he's going to be on the best-seller list for WEEKS. It's enough to make a writer turn to plagerism and then write a tell-all book about the fall from grace. Oh? It was?

Lastly, Paul McCartney is going to write a children’s book. Haven’t we had enough celebrities write children’s books? Haven’t we reached our celebrity children’s book author quota yet? What’s next? PeeWee Herman? Jacko? Madonna? Oh, she has?

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