Monday, March 01, 2004

Days of Whine and Chatter

I considered writing about writing today, but it wasn’t exciting, so I don’t think you want to hear about it. In search of something cool to talk about, I scanned my various sources and found nothing that I wanted to write about. The Oscar’s were a snooze-fest, the #1 movie in the box office had subtitles, there’s been a lot of gay marriages (I think that’s an oxymoron) and there’s a revolution in Haiti (yawn).

You’d think something exciting would happen, but the Oscars had a five-second delay and Howard Stern is off the air in some markets. Let’s face it. We’ve been censored and now life is dull. Even Tim Robbins kept his remarks completely PC and sympathetic. How sad is that, that even those that we hope will -- nay, even those we depend on to give us a target for jokes, remain silent and hushed, cowed by the Monty Python foot of the FCC.

The bustier has been popped and there’s no stuffing that genie back in the bottle. I think in protest, tonight I’ll turn off my TV and read a good book. I suggest you all do the same.


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