Thursday, February 19, 2004

Thursday Miscellanea

There isn't much exciting going on in the world today. Howard Dean left the campaign (yawn!), Martha Stewart's trial is still going on (another yawn!). All in all, the most exciting thing is tonight's episode of the Apprentice, in my honest opinion.

In writing news, I sat down with a bulletin board and did storyboarding (i.e. pinning post-it notes of scenes to the board). It's similar to pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, but much more cerebral.

I did get a chance to see the Broadway musical Wicked yesterday. It was mah-velous! I haven't read the book, but I think I'm going to have to check it out.

And speaking of books, since this is MY blog, I thought I should mention that my newest Harlequin Temptation will be hitting the shelves in about ten days. Since Harlequin books have a shelf life less than some dairy products, if you plan to buy, you should definitely get the timing right, or alternatively, pre-order from Amazon. Here's the link :

Buy my Book!

Kathleen, who doesn't wear the marketing hat easily


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