Friday, February 06, 2004

Anger Management

Wow. It's official. I'm now a blogger. Yeah, yeah, big whoop-di-doo. Just what I need to read. MORE stuff on the Internet (like those bigger p*nis ads aren't scintillating enough). Kathleen's Current events: snow in New York. AGAIN. Spent the day listening to the darling pitter-patter of little children (Ages 10, 9, 6, and 4. 9 and 4 are mine.) and the waiting for blood-curdling screams (at which time I go and hide in the bathroom.). Seriously, there's a two minute rule in our house. If screaming lasts for longer than two minutes, then there really is a serious crisis. If not, children should be able to learn conflict resolution without parent involvement. I'm sure I've read that somewhere. :)

Now onto the bigger topic of the day: anger management. When you need to fire off an angry-email and you know you can't because it's the absolute worst thing you do, so you sit and stew, and then boil, until eventually you write an imaginary email to the offending party, (make sure you fill out to: field with either a) boogus (oh, I think I just made up a word) address or b) yourself. Careers have been killed due to misfilled To fields). I'm venting here instead. Anger quotient: 4. I'll let you know if it works.

Lastly, because I'm not going to make this a rambling blog:

Kathleen's Current Events

  • Is Janet REALLY in the Grammy's? Should I sell my Viacom shares now, or is this a shrewd marketing move on the part of CBS?
  • The Time-Warner Building opened in Columbus Circle. Do we care, or should we continue to make JJ jokes? Yes, that's what I think, too.
  • Kristi got fired off the Apprentice last night (I was a reality show virgin before The Donald came along with that sexy pout and that "tousle-me" hair). I'm waiting for Heidi to go. The Boardroom will be a kinder, gentler place, doncha think?
  • Today's fun headline from the LA times: Bush Appoints Intelligence Commission. (I bet they were snickering when they wrote that at the Times).
I think I'm all blogged out.
Anger Quotient: 2.



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