Friday, February 27, 2004

Kathleen, the Research Diva

I've been working on writing my 2005 (at least I THINK it's 2005, I still don't know that for a fact, but that's not a whine you're interested in) book and have been having a good time with it. So far, in the name of research I have:

1) received a facial at Elizabeth Arden
2) eaten at Le Cirque
3) had hair cut at Frederic Fekkai
And it's a tax write-off, too. God, I love this city.

While out working today (Starbucks is a great place to write. Hey, if a coffee-shop worked for JK Rowling, it can work for me, too), I stopped at Target and noticed my book is ACTUALLY on the shelf. Was going to sign the ones on the shelf, but then realized that I forgot to bring "autographed copy" stickers with me (told you I was klutz at this promo stuff). Next time, I'll do that, and hopefully store security will not apprehend me for defacing the merchandise.


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