Saturday, February 21, 2004

Yes, I am A Writer

Today I had the great pleasure to attend the New Jersey Romance Writer's (NJRW) meeting. For those of you who aren't aware, there is a wonderful organization called Romance Writers of America that is designed to further the business and craft of romance writing. People from all writing genres belong to RWA because it's one of the largest writing organizations in the country. 8000 members strong, and the conference usually attracts a good 1200-1500 writers.

The NJRW group has approximately 200 members and counts many New York Times best-selling authors among its membership. Today's talk was by Michelle Cunnah (author of 32AA) on "What is Chick-lit?" Very entertaining and somewhat educational, although it seemed the final analysis was that chick-lit is evolving and there doesn't seem to be a hard and fast rule to what it encompasses.

The wonderful thing about attending RWA meetings is that when I leave, I feel like a writer. Sometimes when you're alone in front of the computer, sweating over the right word, bleeding red ink all over your pages, and in general having an emotional break-down in the span of 30 minutes before you realize that yes, you do actually know how to get out of the corner you just plotted yourself into, you forget that you love to write. When I go to those meetings, I realize that I love what I do, and realize how fortunate I am to have this opportunity to do what I love to do. It puts a smile on my face for at least 24 hours, or until laundry must be done, whichever comes first.

Anyway, anyone who is interested in writing, I encourage you to check out RWA. They're a good group and you can learn lots.



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