Monday, March 29, 2004

Romantic Times

In romance news, I attended the Romantic Times Bookclub conference in New York City this weekend. The booksigning on Saturday included 100 authors and tons of readers. It was exciting to meet so many fans and my hat is off to the many men who braved the teeming hoards to attend with their significant others. True heroism. These men were not intimidated by the guy from The ABC Reality show, "The Bachelor", nor were they cowed by the bulky brawner in thin chain mail that wandered up and down the hall. I tip my pen to those of you who came merely to support your honey's reading habits.

I'll be updating my blog about once weekly in April due to various booksignings and yes, a book tour in the Midwest. A full report will come out when I'm done. Promise.

Current Events

  • Women uses CallerId to track down obscene phone caller. If only they had CallerID for spam….

  • Proof reader job.

  • In media entertainment news, "Against All Enemies" has become it's own weapon of mass destruction and is exploding up the charts on Amazon and should hit the New York Times list this week. In movie news, it's Scooby-Doo 2, zoinking both Dawn of the Dead and also The Passion of Christ.


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