Monday, April 05, 2004

There are times when I agree with Andy....

Last evening, I watched Sixty Minutes (we usually do), and last night Andy Rooney had some fun things to do from a decidedly authorial point of view. First, he talked about how people come up to him and say, “You know, I’ve always wanted to write a book. I just don’t have the time.�
Like Andy, I’ve heard this one a lot as well. Andy’s response? “What if I were a brain surgeon? Would they say, ‘I’ve always wanted to be a brain surgeon, I just don’t have the time? No.�
And he took a couple of pot shots at Richard Clarke as well. It was like Sunday afternoon football at our house, with me yelling at the TV, “Go, Andy, go!� and my husband telling me I’m just jealous because my books aren’t going to hit the NY Times list at #1. Well, okay, maybe there is a hair of that, but I still have ethical reservations about the whole testifying in front of the commission the same day the book hits the shelves. Apparently Andy does, too.

In the Sunday Times, they mentioned some of the better April Fool’s jokes that were played by the media around the country. Apparently a news release on the Coalition Provisional Authority letterhead announced the formation of an Optimist Club in Baghdad. Journalists were appalled because of the shadow of the atrocities committed in Falluja. Who was responsible for such tasteless humor? It wasn’t a joke. They really did form an Optimist Club in Baghdad.
Most of the time, life truly is stranger than fiction.

I was at the New England Chapter of Romance Writer’s spring conference this weekend and had the pleasure of heading NY Times bestselling author Carly Phillips speak. She’s such a class act (and a great writer, too; if she weren’t so nice, I think I would hate her). Her speech touched on the sacrifices that it takes to write a book and then get it published. A lot of the same things Andy said on Sixty Minutes. Carly’s book, the Heartbreaker, is available now. Kathleen says, “Check it out.�

That’s all for now.

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