Thursday, April 22, 2004

Your Roving Romance Report, on the scene in Roseville, Minnesoh-tah!

Checking in from the booming metropolis of Roseville, Minnesota. (Actually, I'm right here outside Minneapolis, home of Mary Richards). Got the car, completely with "never-lost." HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. I can program in where I want to go and it tells me exactly (in a very nice voice) when to turn, complete with a melodic "ding-ding", which eventually gets Pavlovian. I can tell it that I want to find the nearest Starbucks, and it maps the route. Oh, the JOY! I never knew that a life without maps could exist. You too, can kick the map habit. My next car, I'm getting one.

The hotel has free wireless Internet. (BAD, KATHLEEN, BAD, you should be writing). Alas, for an hour (or so, who'se counting), I'm a slacker. Also, I have to put together some Martha Stewartesque trinkets for my signings tomorrow. Shouldn't take long, I think, in a hopeful, optimistic, yet slightly jet-lagged thought-voice.

Life is good. I have powdered sugar donuts and Diet coke and manuscript and bathtub. I'm reading to rock and roll.

Signing out,


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