Wednesday, May 05, 2004

The End is Near....

I've got one last chapter to finish up in what WAS to be titled Diva's Guide to Thin Thighs in 30 Seconds. Marketing believes it could be construed as an exercise book. I'll say no more, however, I've gone through about three THOUSAND titles and have one that I'm hoping, hoping, hoping my editor will okay. People don't tell you that titling a book is one of the most difficult parts of writing. Plotting, character, story—piece of cake. But coming up with a title that is new, fun, and captures instant reader interest is about as difficult as creating the perfect chocolate soufflé.

In other title news, the New Year's Eve Anthology is called "In One Year and Out the Other." Isn't that great???? Of course, I did not think of it.

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