Recently, I got in a discussion with various authors about how their families behave when a new book comes out. Some families are really supportive and buy tons of books, some families just want their free copies and then go away. In my own experience, my family was really excited about the first couple of books, but when book six, seven, and eight hit the shelves, well, the bloom was off the rose, so to speak.
Which made me wonder how Nora Robert's family handles a booksigning. I mean, think about this, after a gazillion (OK, I think it's getting close to two hundred now), do they still get excited? For instance, imagine a big booksigning in New York, and her son is there to support her.
Nora: "Honey! It's great to see you."
Son: "Hi, Mom. New book out this month?"
Nora: "Three."
Son: "So which publisher is this? Silhouette."
Nora: "I only write for Berkley now."
Son: "Oh, sorry. So I guess it's one of the MacGregor books, then?"
Nora: "No. I finished up that series in 1999."
Son: "The O'Donovans?"
Nora: "It's Donovans and O'Hurleys."
Son: "Look, Mom. I'm sorry OK, but how can I keep track of all this?"
Nora: "Are you going to buy a book?"
Son: "Well, you're going to send us a freebie, aren't you?"
Nora: "You know, would it be so hard for you to spend $25 to support your mother?"
Son: "Mom, if I bought all your books, it'd bankrupt me."
Nora: "And what do you think put you through college?
These books. All four hundred and thirty-seven of them."
Son: "437???"
Nora: "OK, I'm exaggerating. I'm a writer. It's what I do."
Son (picking up book): "Here, sign this one for me."
Nora: "Do I make it out to 'My favorite son'?"
Son: "Nah. Just your name."
Nora: "You're going to put it on ebay, aren't you?"