Thursday, March 17, 2005

Yesterday, Today, and Baseballs In Between

In yesterday's judicial watch, Scott Peterson will fry (don't you miss the electric chair?), Robert Blake cried, and Jay Leno came to Michael Jackson's defense (sentences you never thought you'd write). The bulging muscles of baseball are coming under Congressional scrutiny, because, well, Social Security, is like, SO boring, and it's almost Opening Day. Alternatively, it could be that certain members of Congress enjoy those bulging baseball muscles. I don't know.

Today's book news: There's talk of splitting up Viacom and separating CBS et all from Simon & Schuster. Boo. Boo. And think of all those exclusive interviews on 60 Minutes that S&S would lose. I think they're talking diddly.

Today's writing news: The page count is rising.

Today's weather news: Spring, spring, spring!!!!!

And lastly, I'm thinking about people that I think sold their soul. So, here's the start of my list:
Kirstie Alley
Paris Hilton
Clay Aiken

Who else do you think is out there in the world walking around soulless?


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