Saturday, November 06, 2004

A Political landscape riddled with blood and body parts....

So, the election is done, the campaigning is over, yes, life will move forward, although a lot of people don't think so. For some reason, I just get sucked up into the whirling vortex that is the political season, and thank God, it only comes every four years.

As you can see by the above, we are all doomed to Armageddon, or the world falling off a cliff, whichever comes first, perhaps a tsunami flooding the fly-over regions.

My first fiction prediction for 2006. From the 99.997% fictional left: A multitude of tomes focusing on presidential assassinations, a testosterone-driven president having to deal with his inner-pink, or a terrorist enclave from Cuba coming in surreptitiously and nuking the U.S. with bombs smuggled while the U.S. was occupied elsewhere. From the .003% fictional right: a Monty Python fist coming down on the blue states and wiping them off the planet.


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