The Bosox Diaries
Well, it's October. The leaves are turning the color of fire, and yes, once again the Yankees are playing for the pennant. Thank God. As reliable as the setting sun, the Yanks are in the championship series. And, in a match-up of last year's series, it's Yankees vs. the Red Sox. There's a magic to a rivalry like this. Blood heats, voices thunder, and T-shirts come out of the closet. "Real Women Don't Date Yankee Fans", "Boston, Battling Evil for the Good of the Game". "Boston Red Sox. Proven losers since 1918," "Boston Red Sox. There is no curse, you just suck."
AND, as if there's not enough passion flowing like blood through the streets, we have the most super-hot Presidential election ever (don't they say that every four years?). Some t-shirts from the Presidential election: "If I Win, Free Ketchup for Everyone. Kerry 2004," "Who Would Jesus Bomb", and my favorite:
AND, as if there's not enough passion flowing like blood through the streets, we have the most super-hot Presidential election ever (don't they say that every four years?). Some t-shirts from the Presidential election: "If I Win, Free Ketchup for Everyone. Kerry 2004," "Who Would Jesus Bomb", and my favorite:

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