Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Catching up...

My fun word of the day is longueur:
A dull and tedious passage in a book, play, musical composition, or the like.
All writers should know this word and run from it.

Quote of the day:
Write without pay until somebody offers to pay; if nobody offers within three years, sawing wood is what you were intended for. – Mark Twain

In my important news, Julie Kenner and I updated our Coffee Klatch, with a gripping analysis of Rule of Four, by Caldwell and Thomason. Check it out

Today the 11th volume of the Lemony Snicket series is being released: The Grim Grotto. I really, really enjoyed the Bad Beginnings, and my daughter is currently reading Book 7. There's something very Charles Dickens about Lemony Snicket, only funnier. The Ft. Worth Star-Telegram had an article about the new darkness in kid's literature . Is dark humor creeping into adult reading as well? I don't know. I do know that I was listening to an editor speaking recently about the decline for sales numbers in romantic comedy, but perhaps there is more to the glut in the market for rom com previously and that now it's flattening out into something more sustainable. Again, just thinking aloud.

On the writing front, I've been trying something new, that pre-plotting and planning process. So far I'm really not impressed. I've got two great characters and some good solid conflict thingys, but the actual plottage is plodding along. If I don't get divine inspiration sometime today, I'm just going to start writing tomorrow. I've been working my way through Noah Lukeman's book, The Plot Thickens, and it's made me do a lot more work than I usually do in the beginning, but it seems to be working. If you're a writer, you should check the book out. I've read it before, but never actually used it to jumpstart a story.

The jury stuff is really interesting. I can't say more.

You all know my feelings on celebrity books. I think this is tres funny.


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