The End is Nigh
I'm down to the finish line on the revisions. Only the last chapter left to go. Should finish tonight, have one final read-through to clean things up and then –whoosh—that sucking sound you hear is my manuscript emailing it's way to New York.
Now, whenever I'm faced with cleaning up my own mistakes, I begin a game of "next-time". Next time I'm going to work the plot out entirely, so there's no hanging-plot-chads. Next time, I'm going to do character charts, to make sure that all character turning points, primary and secondary characters are included, are accounted for and properly documented in the manuscript. Next time, I'm going to make a collage of my story, to get a cool visual….
Bwahahahahahaha… I have my system for writing, such as it is (shoot from the hip and pray to God it works) and I'm not going to mess with it. Moral of the story: Do whatever works.
I apologize in advance for a boring post. All my wit and innovation is being poured into above manuscript.
Publishing in the news:
British author gets $5M advance for children's book. The next JK Rowling?
Chick-litters for charity
I have long suspected that my good friend and prolific writer, Julie Kenner, had a secret formula. AHA! Steroids for writers
Now, whenever I'm faced with cleaning up my own mistakes, I begin a game of "next-time". Next time I'm going to work the plot out entirely, so there's no hanging-plot-chads. Next time, I'm going to do character charts, to make sure that all character turning points, primary and secondary characters are included, are accounted for and properly documented in the manuscript. Next time, I'm going to make a collage of my story, to get a cool visual….
Bwahahahahahaha… I have my system for writing, such as it is (shoot from the hip and pray to God it works) and I'm not going to mess with it. Moral of the story: Do whatever works.
I apologize in advance for a boring post. All my wit and innovation is being poured into above manuscript.
Publishing in the news:
British author gets $5M advance for children's book. The next JK Rowling?
Chick-litters for charity
I have long suspected that my good friend and prolific writer, Julie Kenner, had a secret formula. AHA! Steroids for writers
Nah....I prefer good old fashioned magic (aka Venti Nonfat Latte). Much better on the complexion than steroids :)
I do Starbucks.... Why can't I write like that? Nope, I'm sticking to steroids...
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