Monday, October 24, 2005

When is a romance novel not a romance novel?

Answer: when it's written by Diana Gabaldon. Slate has an article on Gabaldon's best-selling success in the romance genre, and her unremitting protests that she doesn't write romance.


Blogger Darla said...

Gah. I might agree that Gabaldon's books aren't strictly romance, but it's most certainly not because she's 'erudite' or because she has a PhD or because she does some historical research.

And the reason her books might be considered romance isn't the fact that she has sex scenes.

Argh. Another reporter who's never read a romance novel but feels qualified and obligated to dismiss the entire genre.

==stomps off to defend the genre==

5:02 AM  
Blogger Kathleen said...

It's frustrating, isn't it?

9:05 AM  

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