Frenchies for Food!

There was an article I saved from my local paper (it was syndicated from the LA Times) about the use of food in French expressions. After two years of high school French, I can embarrass myself in Paris, just like every other self-respecting American tourist, and the one piece I remember is that mon petit chou is a common endearment, but note that in France, chou is "cabbage." My kids would sock me if I ever called them cabbage.
"Oh, yeah? If I'm cabbage, then you're squash. WAP!"
Fists begin to fly. "Squash me, you broccoli-eater."
And so it goes….
The 2003 "Freedom Fries" fiasco illustrates the cultural divide between America and France when it comes to eating, and below are some other little "gastronomic gems" that further hammer home the point.
Je pourrais manger un curé frotté d'ail. The literal translation: I could eat a parish priest rubbed with garlic. Meaning: I could eat a horse.
Elle travaille de la cafetière. The literal translation: She's working from her coffeepot. Meaning: She's a bit out of it.
Tu as le cul bordé de nouilles. The literal translation: Your read end is surrounded by noddles. Meaning: You're extremely lucky.
Elle a la banane. The literal translation: She has the banana. Meaning: She's got a big smile (Right. Everyone that believes this, raise your hand.)
Il sucre les fraises. The literal translation: He's sugaring his strawberries. Meaning: He's old and senile, one foot in the grave.
Elle pédale dans la choucroute. The literal translation: She pedals in the sauerkraut. Meaning: She doesn't understand diddly.
La fin des haricots. The literal translation: The end of the string beans. Meaning: The biggest deal possible, in a catastrophic way.
Faire des yeux de merlans frits. The literal translation: Make fried marlin eyes. Meaning: make goo-goo eyes.
And my favorite:
Va donc, grand dependeur d'andouilles! The literal translation: Go ahead, tall, unhooker of sausages! Meaning: Go ahead, you big lug.
Happy Tuesday. And remember, do it today, because tomorrow, the carrots will be cooked.
too funny~
Thank you, Frances. I thought it was a hoot myself. Love learning fun word stuff.
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