Friday, May 06, 2005

Comments on Life

Everybody who's really tired of The Runaway Bride and wished she would run away to someplace, like, uh, Baghdad, raise your hand. Thought so. I knew it wasn't just me.

What's up with the the face of captured Al Quaeda big al-Libbi? Isn't that the dead guy from Weekend at Bernie's?

The O'Reilly curse has struck again. Yes, the New York Yankee's are the latest to fall victim to the infamous author's damning pen. Allusions were made to the baseball team's consistently winning record in her latest release, The Diva's Guide to Selling Your Soul, and this season, fans everywhere are in shock as the previously undefeatable jocks have sank to last place in the American League East. Angry fans were last seen picketing the home of the Rockland scribe and threatening to buy up all copies of the tome and burn them in a sacrificial bonfire at the House that Ruth Built. Stay tuned for this developing story.


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