Tuesday, April 19, 2005

If it's too hot in the kitchen, let your husband do all the work

In today's Vatican-Watch, the world has a new Pope, and he's a German! It seems very odd to me, since I associate Germany with all sorts of things not legal (blame my Saturday Night Live roots for that, not untoward German prejudices), however, I can get used to Pope Benedict 16. Did you know there were fifteen earlier Benedicts? Actually, I don't know for sure, I'm just making all this stuff up. You thought they elected a Pope today? Ha. Bet you believed all that "man on the moon" stuff, too. Damn commie leftists….

And moving right from commie leftists, to steamy cookbooks, today in Girl's Cyber Circuit, I'm hosting Ann Marie Michaels, author of a humor/dating cookbook called, get this, "Cooking to Hook Up: The Bachelor's Date-Night Cookbook". According to Ann Marie, the book is all about teaching guys to cook for us girls -- depending on the type of girl. It's a great gift for single guys, as well as husbands, boyfriends, brothers, etc. There's a whole slew of info on the book's website, including a fun quiz to determine what sort of girl you are. According to the quiz, I'm a hybrid of girl next door and progressive girl. The book has been doing great, and Ann Marie is going to be on the Sex Files on the Discovery Channel in June!

I had some questions for Ann Marie, and so let's just get cooking (harhar):

Kathleen: Most importantly, does the book work? In other words, if I buy a copy for my husband, will he suddenly start cooking dinner?

Ann Marie: We can't make any guarantees. You can lead a horse to water as they say.

Kathleen: I found it fascinating that you wrote this book with your ex-husband. Did you find it easy working with him? Are you planning another book together?

Ann Marie: It was easy working together -- as long as we didn't break the 5 hour rule (we can only tolerate each other for 5 hours or less at a stretch). If the book gets optioned and made into a TV show, I can see writing another one (possibly one for the ladies -- The Bachelorette's Date-Night Cookbook). My ex is a professor now at UT Austin (ironically -- he's not from Texas like I am) and he's pretty happy doing that, so not sure if he'd be interested in collaborating again.

Kathleen: Cooking seems a bit off the beaten path for you and Drew, so why a cookbook? Were you sitting around eating one night, and he was talking about how different foods can facilitate a man's chances of getting lucky?

Ann Marie: We were newlyweds. He decided to cook me dinner one night -- orange roughy. He said you would have thought he had bought me a Mercedes: "If only I had known this when I was single!" I explained to him that not all women are alike -- and we got into this long discussion about the different types of women (granola girls, indie girls, etc.).
That's when the book was conceived.

Kathleen: I see you're working on a novel. Are you finding differences between non-fiction and fiction?

Ann Marie: For me, it's all about research. The more I research, the more I get excited about what I am writing. For the cookbook, I researched everything from duck confit to Cockney rhyming slang. For my novel, research is more about carrying a journal with me everywhere I go, and writing down the funny things my friends say.


Blogger Kat said...

Hey, this book/author/quiz was also in Alison Kent's site. Apparently, I'm a hybrid of Uptown Girl and Progressive Girl. High maintenance with a social conscience. I like it!

3:31 AM  

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