Monday, April 11, 2005

Monday Rants

The Stamp Act of 2005
The US Post Office is asking for a rate increase to raise the price of stamps in the US from .37 to .39. Am I the only person who wonders why stamps can't be an even amount? Before .37, we had .34. And now .39? How much does the Post Office earn every year just from people who round up? I don't know, but I bet it's a pretty penny.

Word for the Day:
malapropos adjective:
Unseasonable; unsuitable; inappropriate.

The Wedding Protest
According to this morning's Post, Camilla had a case of pre-wedding jitters and almost had to postpone due to illness. I'm glad she decided to show, because even as it was, there were people with Diana pictures and candles at Kensington Palace to protest the "royal" wedding.

From an article in the UK Telegraph:

Mary Radcliffe, 80, from Swindon, Wilts, pinned a handwritten poem to the gates, which read: "The Lionheart of England roars as people voice their grave concerns! Diana's spirit haunts and glows: cherished and loved across the world."

Mrs Radcliffe said that she travelled to Kensington Palace to pay her respects to Princess Diana, who, she felt, was being "airbrushed from history".

"I feel that this wedding is blemishing the memory of Diana - she deserved better than that," she said. "It is totally unacceptable and undermines the future of the monarchy."

To all the protesters, I have three words: Get a Life. She's DEAD already. Okay, that's more than three words.

Now is the time where I normally wrap up the news events into some short, pithy piece on the romance industry, but not today! I have to go down into the dungeon.

Must... write... pages....


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