The Meaning of Life
I've resurrected myself after the Easter break, ready to get back to work. Today's headlines are all about the dead, dying, and resurrected. According to Drudge:

A more cynical personal than I might have made a joke, or chuckled aloud, might have swallowed a guilty tee-hee. Alas, as all of America is on the Schiavo death-watch, there is no more humor in this land.
And there's only one thing more interesting than watching Terri die, and that's gossip!!! Yes, the Times has an article on the gossip industry in the BUSINESS section. The article is a profile on Liz Smith, who is pretty old school in the gossip biz. A small quote from the article:

A more cynical personal than I might have made a joke, or chuckled aloud, might have swallowed a guilty tee-hee. Alas, as all of America is on the Schiavo death-watch, there is no more humor in this land.
And there's only one thing more interesting than watching Terri die, and that's gossip!!! Yes, the Times has an article on the gossip industry in the BUSINESS section. The article is a profile on Liz Smith, who is pretty old school in the gossip biz. A small quote from the article:
Jeannette Walls, the purveyor of gossip at MSNBC, said of Ms. Smith: "She made a decision not to be nasty and not to exist on schadenfreude, and that's not a formula that would work today."Nope, people are only interested in schadenfreude and family feuds over corpses, million dollar movie contracts, and also mafia secrets.
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