Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Tracking the Bestsellers

And yes, they have to count Pope John Paul II, 35000: Bush 3500 . Next up, JPII vs. Paris Hilton.

After many weeks of merely languishing in the hundreds on Amazon's bestseller list, the Pope has rocketed to #2 and #3 spot, only bested by the megalomaniacal duo of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The Da Vinci Code, perhaps in a pro-Catholic backlash, has been pushed all the way down to #10, beneath "Blink," "The Kite Runner," and "The Way to Christ: Spritiual Exercises" by yes, none other, than John Paul II.

Angels & Demons is currently at #26, but I'm predicting when the conclave starts and the media needs talking points on the process of picking the next Pope, Dan Brown will be the go-to guy, garnering appearances on Today, ABC News, and Oprah. A&D will rocket to #2, bested only by Harry, because as we know, nobody bests Harry, not even God.


Blogger Crystal* said...

I've a soft spot for the lightning-foreheaded boy. SIGH

8:12 PM  
Blogger Kathleen said...

That's you a gazillion others across the world (including me, although my spot is not as soft as others).

8:59 PM  

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