Friday, April 29, 2005

The End of the World As We Know It

Recently I've been mulling over my rune stones, pondering the prospects of publishing and reading all the prophecies saying the End of The Book is Nigh. Yes, according to Nostradamus, when Scott Savol wins American Idol and the top ten NYT spots belong to the Holy Triumvirate of Grisham, Roberts, and Brown (doesn't that sound like a law firm?), all publishers lovingly enclosed within the golden leaves of Manhattan will fold up and close, conceding that it is impossible to make money in publishing.

And yet, in the far distance, there is a voice, an even gloomier voice. No wonder publishing is doomed, DOOMED I say. It's not just books, hell, it's all of us! . Yes, according to St. Malachy, an Irish archbishop recognized by members of the Church for his ability to read the future, Pope Benedict is Pope numero second-to-the-last, which I suppose is something like having a May Harlequin Temptation and the world knows the line is closing in July?

Cancel your insurance now. Tomorrow is only a figment.

And on to more lighter subjects, stay tuned for our next post when we visit with Joshilyn Jackson, the compelling new author of Gods in Alabama!


Blogger Kat said...

For about 10 years, I've been hearing rumours that John Paul II's successor is going to be the last pope. Prophecies are a funny thing...

3:33 AM  
Blogger Kathleen said...

Yes, you throw enough prophecies out there, and eventually one will stick :) I think that's the reason I poke fun at them, because there are so many and so many of them are obviously nutso....

4:52 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

Sounds like a great premise for a romantic comedy! :-)

5:06 PM  

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