Writing Tip: 101 -- Had to Share
I pride myself as a geek, but yes, I have been lulled into a period of sloth and ungeekiness. Imagine my surprise when I found this little gem and discovered an unbeknownst way to tune the visibility of text. It's called ClearType. Instructions from Quick Online Tips: Turn on Windows XP ClearType : Improve Font Display and Readability. It really does help. I love the crisp text in my documents now. High-Definition for Microsoft Word. Everytime I'm ready to curse Bill Gates, he does something that keeps the love alive.
More Microsoft goodness, from one geek to another. :-) BTW, Kathleen, I picked up a Temptation (we still get them down here as 2-in-1 books) and was pleasantly surprised to pick up a copy of A Christmas Carol. As always, it didn't disappoint! Hopefully, we'll get more of your backlists (let us know when they come out in other countries so we can look out for them).
Ah, Kat! I didn't realize you were a geek, too!!! Power Tools! I remember those from Windows 95, but didn't realize they got updated (we used TweakUI on all the computers at the office where I did computer ops).
I didn't realize A Christmas Carol was released in Australia; cool! Just FYI, the working title for that one was Blame It On Viagra. That was the first book that I sold and I still have lots of memories of it (the geekiness shines through).
And one more thing, we never really know when books have been released in foreign. HQ will send you foreign copies in a very lackadaisical manner, and sometimes we don't get them at all. The royalty statements trail the calendar by a good five months, but they did list releases by country. It's always fun to see where the book have been sold.
TweakUI? You guys were obviously in Windows denial! BTW, the book looks like this, down under.
Thanks for the link on the book, Kat. I didn't realize this was a new release. The book came out in the states Dec, 2001, so it's always interesting when some place new picks one up after sometime. And yes, we were in Windows denial. Had to move the whole place from OS/2 to Windows and from cc:Mail to Lotus Notes, and from WordPerfect to Office. LOL. Quite an experience, but I had a great team and we ended up with some very happy end users.
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