Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I have the Spooky Art, and My God, somebody else thinks like I do!!: I thought I was an idiot because I didn't get into it, and I mean, Mailer's got a Pulitzer, and you know, I'm very proud of my Romantic Times nomination, but geez, it's not a Pulitzer. Well, the plot thinkens, because apparently, Msss. Kakutani is an idiot, too. Or at least,according to Mr. Mailer, she is. I believe his actual, more erudite words were: " one-woman kamikaze...a token." Now, I'm thinking that Mr. Mailer could have done better. A 'token'? PUH-LEASE. How prosaic. I would expected something more descriptive, more biting: 'a sloe-eyed vixen determined to fly her rackety contraption into any newspaper she could crash into'. But what do I know? I'm a mere romance writer. Unless, I'm not an idiot, any more than Ms. Kakutani is a token. I prefer to believe in the latter. I think Ms. Kakutani should kamikaze a pair of chopsticks right up Mr. Mailer's Pulitzer-prize-winning ass.
p.s. Note to all reviewers, as a card-carrying member of PETR (People for the Ethical Treatment of Reviewers), I would never actually subscribe to the idea of punishing a reviewer, either verbally or physically. All above was written purely in fun, and for those of you who review for AAR, RT, Mrs. Giggles, or Kirkus, I didn't mean anything by those earlier remarks. Swear.



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