Sunday, June 26, 2005

America's Bookbuying Habits

Zogby International released a poll showing which bookstores were favored by American consumers, which got me pondering my own bookbuying habits.

Here's my breakdown:

General Fiction I almost always buy from Barnes & Noble. I love browsing the shelves and finding something that I might have missed or want to read. First up is the New Fiction and Bestsellers table, simply because I'm a consumer who has been suckered into the myth that if it's a bestseller, it must be good.

Research books -- I'm addicted to buying research books, which I suppose is better than being addicted to crack. I usually go to Amazon because the selection is better than books and mortar and also, in research, the "Consumers who bought this also bought" feature is great. I can check out the lists, and I usually end up buying 3-5 books at a whack. Please note that if I can get used in my research books, I usually do. I don't buy fiction used (unless it's out of print), but in non-fiction, used is fair game.

Harlequins and Romance -- my Barnes & Noble is getting better about carrying and stocking Harlequins than they used to, so I can usually find what I want. We have a Waldenbooks nearby, but it's a pain to get to (the road it's on has tons of lights and traffic jams), so it's not my first choice unless I have to be in the neighborhood.

Independents -- In Texas, we had a marvelous bookstore, Sue's Book Exchange, and I always went there for my romance novels. They did new, used, and her entire staff could tell you what was good, and what wasn't. It was a romance reader's heaven. Alas, I've yet to find a cool independent in my neighborhood that doesn't specialize in "lit-ra-choor."

So, here's my question for each of you:

What are your book-buying habits? Give a shout-out to your favorite bookstores, or booksellers. I'm curious for those of you who use Amazon for general fiction buying how you make your decisions. Do you know what you want and then order it, or do you browse?


Blogger Elizabeth Kerri Mahon said...

I buy research books at the Strand and on Like you I love the feature, If you like this, you'll like. I also order alot of books from, particularly English chick-lit and research books. I love the Strand, I could get lost for hours. Posner Books in Grand Central is nice, otherwise it's Borders or Barnes & Noble.

3:39 PM  
Blogger Kathleen said...

I can see that I'm going to have to hit the Strand. I haven't been there yet. :)

9:25 AM  

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