Sometimes You Feel Like a Snark...

Sometimes you don't.
Haven't felt much like being funny this past week. Apologies. However, then you read something that helps you put it all into perspective. There's a new book being released, "The Journey That Saved Curious George: The True Wartime Escape of Margret and H. A. Rey" by Louise Borden. Unbeknownst to millions of adoring Curious George fans, the Reys were Jewish émigrés from Paris during World War II. The summer prior to the publication of the first adventure of Curious George, they found themselves peddling on bicycles to escape from the Nazi occupation of France. Such an interesting contrast. An innocent, adventurous monkey against the backdrop of genocide.
Writers have to write no matter the world events. Laughter against tears. Sentimentality against cynicism. Romance against war. We can't control many things around us, but as a writer I'm happy to say that I can make a difference to my readers.
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